Downtown Happenings is published every other week on Thursday at 12:00 p.m.

A Downtown Happenings Reminder email will be sent to people on the distribution list. Check to see
what emails you’re signed up to receive HERE.

The deadline to submit articles is typically 5:00 p.m. Monday before publication. Holidays and
exceptions may change the deadline, but that will be clearly communicated in the reminder email.

Articles must include:

1. An article title

  • Try to keep it under 50 characters
  • Including the business name is a good idea

2. A thumbnail picture (square)

  • Must include a photo release
  • Example: I, NAME of the person submitting the article, on behalf of BUSINESS NAME, the owner of the attached photograph(s), do hereby release and grant permission to the City of Midland –Downtown Development Authority to use the attached image(s) for the purpose of advertising and promoting Downtown Midland.

3. A teaser

  • Short 1-2 sentences that will encourage the reader to want to read the whole article (which will be posted to the website)
  • If you would prefer the link go to the full article on your website PLEASE indicate so here and include the complete link.

4. Full article

  • No more than 1 page (including pictures)
  • You may include as many pictures as you like however, they must all fit on 1 page.
  • If you have more information than will fit in 1 page, we would be happy to link to your
    website if you include the complete link.

5. Business contact information

  • Business Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Social Media links (must be complete links)

If your article submission fails to meet any of the above standards it may not appear in Downtown
Happenings. If you have any questions please email Melissa Farley, DDA Event Coordinator.