Tired of being stuck inside? Looking to lose those extra pounds you put on during the holidays?


Join us for a FREE fun “Jingle Your Own Way” run or walk!


We know the holidays are over, but we were bummed we had to cancel our Jingle Bell Fun Run/Walk in December – so we decided to bring it back in January in a new form! Break out your ugly holiday sweater again and let’s start moving!


How will it work?
Just head over to Ace Hardware any time between January 24 and January 31 to get your free map and a jingle bell necklace! There are four routes you can participate in- one for serious runners, one for kids, one to treat yourself with and one to tickle your tastebuds!  You can complete the run/walk on your own time and take it as seriously (or not seriously) as you want! We want you to jingle your own way!

…And did we mention prizes?
While you are out make sure you take a photo of yourself and your crew participating in this fun run/walk. Post it on social media with the hashtag #downtownmidlandmi and you’ll be entered to win some serious prizes, courtesy of Ace Hardware!

Winners will be announced Feb 1 on the Downtown Midland, MI Facebook page!

Check out the 4 different route maps by clicking here!