Join Downtown
Open a Business
With its thriving business scene, impressive amenities, and convenient access to state and U.S. highways, Downtown Midland is the ideal place to set up shop. And while many downtown areas seem to have just one or two kinds of business that truly thrive, Downtown Midland is home to restaurants, bars, retail spaces, financial services, creative agencies, and arts and cultural organizations, just to name a few.
However, there is one unifying factor across this diverse ecosystem of businesses: a collaborative spirit underpinned by a desire to see the whole of Downtown Midland succeed. From a more general atmosphere of mutual support down to simple things like cross-promotion on social platforms, nobody who sets up shop Downtown has to go it alone.
Here, we don’t merely wait for the rising tide to lift all ships–we create the tide.
Become a Neighbor
Living in Downtown Midland is a unique experience. It has all the qualities one might look for when choosing a place to call “home”–good schools, fulfilling career opportunities, a quiet and safe neighborhood. But it’s the unexpected qualities of Downtown Midland that draw families, young professionals, retirees and everyone in between.
Walk a block or two in any direction and you might find yourself in a tantalizing new restaurant, a jubilant festival, or an exciting outdoor concert. Overnight, the familiar park nearby may have become the site of a makers market or an all-ages carnival. And yet, for all its pleasant twists, what consistently seems to surprise new residents and visitors the most is the deep sense of community in Downtown Midland. It’s a place where the familiar sensation of being at home extends far beyond your own front door, and the apprehensive feeling of being “new in town” never lasts long.
It’s a place to grow, to work, to play and laugh and explore. And even if it’s your first time in Downtown Midland, you’re no stranger here.